Other Activities

We have a variety of activities outside worship.  Please see the separate pages for information about Carecent, Lent and Advent talks and church walks.

For news of current and upcoming activities please scroll through our home page or (if you know what you’re looking for) use the search box at the top of the page.

Other activities include:

  • a house group which meets in the home of one of our members, usually on the first Wednesday morning of each month (apart from Advent and Lent) where a variety of subjects are always under discussion.  In recent months we have  looked at miracles, the war in Afghanistan, some views of the Apostle Paul, the last book in the Bible, and the significance of Christmas and Epiphany.  For more information contact Joan or Roy Kilner on 01904 423334.
  • a Sunday lunch club, which meets once a month at a local hotel after morning worship.