The new York circuit of Methodist churches is now officially up and running. Here at Central we hosted a special service on Saturday evening, 1st September, to welcome new ministers and induct Revd Philip Turner as our new superintendent minister (who has oversight over the whole circuit).

The new circuit ministers, Revd Andy Lindley, Deacon Ian Cartwright and Revd Elizabeth Cushion, on the steps outside Central before the welcome service.
Revd Stephen Burgess, the chair of the York & Hull district, preached and both he and Philip Turner gave us encouragement and words of challenge as we embark on a new phase in our work here.

Some members of the circuit leadership team on the steps outside Central before the welcome service. Central’s minister, Revd Chris Humble, is on the far right; the superintendent, Revd Philip Turner, is on the far left.
It was great to have friends from all around the York area to join in the service, including a number from other Christian traditions who came to add their voices of welcome to our new staff.
The service included a ceremonial cutting of a cake, which was iced with the words YORK CIRCUIT responding to the transforming Gospel of God’s love in Christ.
Those who were able to stay after the service joined in fellowship over more cake in the halls.
Now the real work begins – and we look forward to welcoming and working with new friends.