Church anniversary

We celebrate our anniversary on the first Sunday in November, celebrating the years since the union of the Centenary and Wesley congregations and further to the earlier history of Methodism in York.  This year, we invited Revd Maurice Staton to take our morning service.  Maurice was a minister in this circuit some years ago and continues with chaplaincy work at St Leonard’s hospice in York. Maurice preached about newness in the church and after the service joined us for lunch in the hall.

Lunch after our anniversary service

In the evening we had a “local arrangements” service, led by a group from our congregation on the theme of looking back and moving forward. There is a lot of change happening in York Methodism at the moment, not least at Central, so we took the opportunity to step back for a moment and spend some time in quietness and prayer to help us as we take new steps in faith.

Candles lit during prayer at our evening service