Iona-style Big Sing
led by Margaret McLarty and Jane Bentley
Saturday 7 November 2015

Margaret and Jane have both worked with the Iona Community in Iona Abbey and in Glasgow helping hundreds of people to discover their voices and sing songs of praise, protest and prayer.
At the Big Sing we’ll learn new songs (including some you may not know from Singing the Faith) from Iona and around the world, and enjoy the amazing sound of our voices singing in harmony. You’re very welcome to come whatever your age, and whether or not you’re able to read music or consider yourself a good singer.
Tea and cake will be provided. Please contact Hilary Blake on 01904 413890 if you can offer some baking or help with refreshments.
Donations will be taken to cover the costs of the event; we suggest £5 per person.
For more information and for a poster to display in your church, please contact Hilary Blake (01904 413890, If you’re on facebook you can find the event at
Songs we sung (some references/credits to follow):
Welcome everybody (Fischy Music – I Wonder Why?)
Peruvian Gloria (WGRG – Sent by the Lord)
Come with me for the journey is long (WGRG – The truth that sets us free)
Oh bless the Lord (WGRG – Come all you people)
The truth that sets us free (WGRG – The truth that sets us free)
Freedom is coming (Anders Nyberg – Freedom is coming)
Alleluia yin oluwa (WGRG – The truth that sets us free)
Come with me for the journey is long (WGRG – The truth that sets us free)
God welcomes all (WGRG – We Walk His Way)
Greenbelt alleluia (WGRG – The truth that sets us free)
Here to the house of God we come (CH4)
If my name was Mary (WGRG – Unpublished)
Kamana o i o (WGRG – One is the body)
Music maker (Fischy Music – Down to Earth)
Salaam aleikum (GIA – Marty Haugen – Salaam Aleikum)
Ameni (WGRG – There is one among us)