Sung Communion at Central

The following article by our Minister appeared in the circuit newsletter, we thought we’d share it here as well:

We have developed over the last few years at Central a style which makes full use of the rubric of the Methodist Worship Book in the Holy Communion Ordinary 2 Service where it says “ musical settings other than those printed may be used” p198 MWB. At Central we often use the David Thorne St Thomas Mass setting for Holy Communion Services with a sung kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus & Benedictus, Acclamation and Agnus Dei. We also often use the items in the “liturgical settings” of Singing the Faith which have a variety of kyries, glorias, prayers settings and other short songs which can easily be used as sung response for prayers.
This style may be unfamiliar to many Methodists. The Book of Offices 1936 made provision for the Gloria “to be sung or said”- note the order of the wording, with sung been cited first as if it was the preferred option. Settings for sung responses to the Commandments were offered in the back of MHB.
Some Methodist Churches sang Morning Prayer each week with sung Benedictus, Te Deum and the appointed psalm and other churches sang the canticles and psalms to chants from the authorized hymn book or from other sources. Technically the Order of Morning Prayer was not part of the Book of Offices but the service was printed with it! This oddity illuminates our inter-twined nature with the Church of England as “mother” where singing such offices was the norm at that time. Using the authorized liturgy and additional material has always been part of the rich mix of Methodist worship.
So why not give it a go sometime? You could try something different at your church which might enrich the worship or you could join us at Central sometime and discover what we do. Methodist worship does not have to be boring or monochrome! It is possible to engage the whole congregation in participation other than speaking. Methodism was born in song after all.
Following on from Stainer’s Crucifixion being sung as part of worship on Palm Sunday we will have a different form of service with musical input led by John Bradbury and some choristers on Sunday 19 June in the evening.
We hope that something a bit different from the five hymn sandwich might be part of what we offer on a quarterly basis.

Christopher Humble

Scandinavian Choral Festival

Scandinavian Choral Festival – Saturday 21 May 6.30pm at Central

Philip Paul writes: with my Scandinavian connections is always a pleasure to see and hear the Norwegian choirs at Central each May. Each year there seem to be more choirs. This year there will be 7 of them !

They will be joined by the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, who I will also be very pleased to see and hear since they are one of our established ‘resident choirs’, who rehearse on our premises every week.

The concert begins at 6.30pm and admission is free!

More details on this poster.

In addition to the concert, the Norwegian choir “Tønsberg Sangforening” will be singing at our morning service on Sunday 22 May at 10:30.

“Turn up and sing” Stainer Crucifixion


An invitation to all singers for Sunday 20th March!

Circuit Service including

“Turn up and sing” Stainer Crucifixion

Conductor: John Bradbury Organist: Robert Smith

James Brown (tenor) Mark Wharfedale (bass)

Rehearsal 2.30pm

Service 6.30pm, with fairtrade stall and refreshments served beforehand.

Singers please bring a copy of the Novello score if possible as we have only a limited number of copies.

Flyer in PDF format: Stainer Crucifixion 200316 at Central Methodist v2

Performance Notes in PDF format: Stainer Crucifixion Performance Notes


Lent 2016 at Central

Events for Lent in 2016.

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday 10th February, 12:45pm – Service of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes. All welcome to join us for this solemn marking of the start of Lent.

Lent Talks & Lunches

The theme this year will be ‘Inspirational Women’

Wednesday 2nd March – talk will be given by Revd Rowan Williams (Chaplain at York University), looking at St Claire.

Wednesday 9th March – talk will be given by Rev Julia Skitt, title ‘Women in our time’

Wednesday 16th March – talk will be Rev Christopher Humble on Susannah Wesley

Light lunches from 11:45am, talks start at 12:45pm. All welcome for food and talks.

‘Come and Sing’ Stainer’s Crucifixion

Sunday 20th March 6:30pm. Circuit Service including Stainer’s Crucifixion

Details here.