Lent and Easter are important parts of the Christian calendar. There’s plenty going on at Central.
During Lent two small groups (Wednesday lunchtime and Friday evening) are meeting to discuss and consider the film ‘I, Daniel Blake’. Contact Deacon Judith if you’d like to join one of these groups – it’s not too late and you don’t need to be a church member.
Services during Lent and Easter:
Sunday 11th March 10:30am – Led by Deacon Judith – exploring our mission in the city through prayer, discussion and hearing stories from around our community. 4pm Service led by Revd Rory Dalgliesh will be a service of Holy Communion.
Sunday 18th March 10:30am – Led by Mrs Hilary Blake (change from published plan).
Sunday 25th March (Palm Sunday) 10:30am – All Age Worship led by Rev Rory Dalgleish. 6:30pm Worship led by Mrs Eliza Main.
Thursday 29th March (Maundy Thursday) – 7pm Tenebrae Service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.
Friday 30th March (Good Friday) – 12pm – 3pm Church open for prayer and reflection. 6.45pm Good Friday Ecumenical Witness & Worship: Procession with the Cross from Parliament Street to York Minster; 7.30pm Churches Together Service in York Minster
Sunday 1st April (Easter Sunday). 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion led by Deacon Judith Stoddard and Dr John Schofield. 6:30pm Worship led by Rev john Schofield.