Lent and Easter 2018

Lent and Easter are important parts of the Christian calendar. There’s plenty going on at Central.


During Lent two small groups (Wednesday lunchtime and Friday evening) are meeting to discuss and consider the film ‘I, Daniel Blake’. Contact Deacon Judith if you’d like to join one of these groups – it’s not too late and you don’t need to be a church member.

Services during Lent and Easter:

Sunday 11th March 10:30am – Led by Deacon Judith – exploring our mission in the city through prayer, discussion and hearing stories from around our community. 4pm Service led by Revd Rory Dalgliesh will be a service of Holy Communion.

Sunday 18th March 10:30am – Led by Mrs Hilary Blake (change from published plan).

Sunday 25th March (Palm Sunday) 10:30am – All Age Worship led by Rev Rory Dalgleish. 6:30pm Worship led by Mrs Eliza Main.

Thursday 29th March (Maundy Thursday) – 7pm Tenebrae Service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.

Friday 30th March (Good Friday) – 12pm – 3pm Church open for prayer and reflection.  6.45pm Good Friday Ecumenical Witness & Worship: Procession with the Cross from Parliament Street to York Minster; 7.30pm Churches Together Service in York Minster

Sunday 1st April (Easter Sunday). 10:30am Worship with Holy Communion led by Deacon Judith Stoddard and Dr John Schofield. 6:30pm Worship led by Rev john Schofield.


Lent on Central’s Facebook page

We have a Facebook page, where we normally post details of our services alongside any other relevant from our city and the world of Methodism. You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/CentralMethodistChurchYork/  Make sure you ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ to keep up-to-date.

The hymns that we sing are an important influence on our theology and hence the way we lead our lives. Singing has been at the heart of the Methodist story since it’s beginnings. The preface to the hymn book states “Singing hymns in worship assists us in meeting with the living God and helps us to grow in faith, discipleship and fellowship.” The same can be applied to using the words of hymns in personal reflection and prayer.

During Lent we’re going to be adding in a devotional and reflective element to our posts. Each day we’ll be posting the words of a hymn verse from our normal Hymn book,  Singing the Faith. If you have a favourite hymn, or have spotted something that particularly speaks to you, or something that helps you during Lent, then let us know and we’ll include it. There’s 40 days to fill!

Please get in touch with your suggestions using the comments form below.

Covenant service 2018

‘I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to what you will,
rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing,
put me to suffering;
let me be employed for you,
or laid aside for you,
exalted for you,
or brought low for you;
let me be full,
let me be empty,
let me have all things,
let me have nothing:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things
to your pleasure and disposal.
And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours.’

The Methodist Covenant Prayer

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Gift service 3rd December 2017

Our gift service will be held on Sunday 3rd December in the morning. All are welcome, the service will be led by Deacon Judith Stoddart and Mrs Kathleen Rose.

This year we will be collecting items for Kyra, who meet on our premises. Kyra are a women’s’ project that began as a support centre for women run by women, providing encouragement, companionship, information, training and importantly, a sense of belonging. They support women to help overcome challenges and make change in their lives.

Kyra have said that the most useful gift to continue their work would be money, but if anyone would prefer to give a gift them chocolates or indulgent gifts would be appreciated. If you have any questions please contact Deacon Judith.

Advent and Christmas 2017

In advent 2017 we’re following a 4 week course, written by Revd Lucy Winkett.: “So What are you waiting for?”.  The season of Advent bends time itself. And for us, time drags or speeds by, depending on our circumstances and stage of life. Our attitude to time gives us clues about our attitude towards God.It’s a cliche to say that we live our lives often waiting for life to start, but that’s what many people experience, until they realise that they were living their lives all along. Whether you’re always in a hurry or have too much time on your hands, this course is for you, as we explore a spiritual life that encourages us to be active in the chronological world, and rooted in Kairos, God’s time.

The groups will meet on a Monday lunchtime at 12 noon (27th November, 4th Dec, 11th Dec and 18th Dec),

We will share lunch together first (soup and a roll) before beginning our discussions. All are very welcome to join us. (If you haven’t already, please let Deacon Judith know if you are attending.)


Other events during this season:

3rd December  – 10:30am Christmas Gift Service (Kyra are coming to speak about their work).

5:15pm Advent procession at York Minster. (Doors open an hour before – arrive early for a good seat!) No service at Central.


10th December – 2nd Sunday of Advent. 10:30am Holy Communion (H Freeston). 4pm evening service (R Dalgleish)

17th December – 3rd Sunday of Advent, 10:30am morning service(S Leah & Deacon J Stoddart), 3pm Community Carol Service.

24th December – Christmas Eve – 10.30am morning service only (B Taylor)

25th December – Christmas Day service 10am. (Deacon J Stoddart)

31st December – New Year’s Eve – 10.30am morning service only (P Wheeler).