Carols at Central 2022

Join our musical celebration of Christmas…

Sunday 18th December 2022 at 4pm
Everyone welcome, traditional free event
Gather from 3:30pm for Mince pies and Mulled Wine (non alcoholic)

We are delighted that the York Cantores Chamber Choir will join us for our annual carol service. They will help lead the singing of many well known favourites (complete with some descents by Willcocks!), as well as offering some solo items by Peter Warlock, Herbert Howells, Paul Manz and Peter Cornelius.

All welcome, we look forward to a good sing!

Sunday Worship from 9th May

We will be re-opening our church building for our 10.30am Sunday Worship from 9th May. Every fortnight thereafter we shall be in church and on Zoom, with the alternate weeks on Zoom only. The dates are below for May and June.

The government rules regarding social distancing, mask wearing etc will all need to be adhered to, just as they were in the few services we have had in the building since the start of the Pandemic.

The leadership team are aware that there are mixed feelings and views about returning to church. Some of you will be raring to get back, others will be more anxious. Please do what is best for you to keep yourself safe and healthy, in mind as well as body. We don’t forsee things being back to ‘normal’ until well after the end of June, maybe even September.

In all this however, there is much hope to be found. Hope from vaccinations and the easing of restrictions, but more than that, the hope that whatever happens, God is with us.

With love,

May 9th: Church and Zoom
May 16th: Zoom
May23rd: Church and Zoom
May 30th: Zoom
June 6th: Church and Zoom
June 13th: Zoom
June 20th: Church and Zoom
June 27th: Zoom

Worship in chapel AND online

Organ Vespers for Harvest

This short service will take the form of music from the organ, readings and prayers, themed around Harvest and Celebrating God’s gifts to us.

11th October 2020 2.30pm

We’re really looking forward to seeing some folk at Central this Sunday afternoon for Organ Vespers. It’s not going to be Church as we know it though, so we need to give you some advance warning that there are certain things that we must do in the Chapel to comply with Covid /government guidelines.

These will be as follows:-

On arrival you will be asked to ‘check in’ using the QR code which will be on display, or alternatively write down your contact details (name and tel number) for Track and Trace purposes.

– Hand sanitiser (provided) to be used on entering and exiting- Face masks will need to be worn (unless you have an exemption)

– A one way system will be in place to enter and exit the building- Some pews will be closed to allow the required social distancing- You are only able to sit with someone from your own household / support bubble.

– We have to keep service times to a minimum and therefore must encourage everyone to be seated as soon as they arrive and then leave promptly at the end of the service.

That said, and technology willing, the service we be streamed on Facebook too! You’ll be able to find the Live stream from 2:25pm onwards at Live streams are available to viewers with or without a Facebook account.

Both live streaming and meeting ‘in person’ in our Chapel are experiments for us – we’d welcome all your feedback after the event.

Being church at Central during the Coronavirus

There will be no services in our building for the foreseeable future at Central Methodist Church York, but just because we are not meeting for public worship does not mean we cease to be church. We can continue to be a praying, worshipping fellowship even when we aren’t in the church building.

We’ll be keeping in regular touch with each other via phone and other means – we have a small Facebook group [search for ‘Central Methodist (York) virtuallers’ ].

We’ll be praying for the church family and the community around us, and caring for the physical and spiritual needs of those around us.

We’ll use ‘worship at home’ service sheets, as published nationally:…/worship-during-the-coronavi…/

If you feel you, or someone close to you, needs help with anything, then do not be afraid to contact Deacon Judith.

Covenant services 2020

‘I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to what you will,
rank me with whom you will;
put me to doing,
put me to suffering;
let me be employed for you,
or laid aside for you,
exalted for you,
or brought low for you;
let me be full,
let me be empty,
let me have all things,
let me have nothing:
I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things
to your pleasure and disposal.
And now, glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
you are mine and I am yours.’

The Methodist Covenant Prayer

We’ll be holding two covenant services at Central this year, the first on the 12th January in the evening and the second in the morning on Sunday the 19th January. It is a form of service which many Methodists celebrate as one of the most important in the year. You can find more information about the tradition on the Methodist Church website.

Everyone is welcome to join us whichever of the services is most convienient for them, whether you are sharing in a Covenant Service for the first time, have done it annually for many years, or simply want to watch what others do. Both the services will include communion to which everyone is invited to take part.

Refreshments and chat available after the morning service on the 19th.