Transforming Central in the news

We’ve been in the York Press a couple of times over the last few weeks. Firstly when we announced our intentions to expand our building’s community use:

“£3m plan announced to turn York city centre church into community centre”

And more recently the reporter, Victoria Prest came to talk to our minister, Rev Chris Humble, to get more detail:

“Ambitious plans to open up huge central York church”

Over the next new weeks and months we’ll be firming up our plans, exploring the relationships we might have with other churches and organisations as well as starting the hard work of finding funding. Please get in touch if you’d like to get involved!


Central to be transformed into a new community venue

The managing trustees of Central Methodist Church York have voted to pursue a future where the Grade 2* listed building is transformed into a community centre. The alternative scenario for the church to choose from was to close the church building and cease to meet for worship; this was rejected. This key milestone took place on Thursday 10th December. Continue reading

Transforming Central Mission Statement

WELCOMING                      CARING
LIVING                  FAITH IN ACTION 

Central is part of the Methodist Communion within the world-wide Christian Church. We understand ourselves to be called to gather together as the body of Christ in this place which welcomes and celebrates human diversity as well as serve our wider community and congregation in ways which show the love and compassion of God. The inspiration for our worship and everything we do at Central Methodist Church is the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. He is the origin of Christian faith and embodies a quality of humanity we seek to embrace. Jesus lived and died furthering what he described as God’s kingdom on earth: a reign of justice, compassion, healing and peace, rooted in truth and realised through the practice of love and the pursuit of wisdom.

In partnership with others we seek to find new ways of conserving and adapting our city centre church and its ancillary buildings so that we make the best use for the continuing benefit and welfare of the community of the city and its visitors. We see our building as a precious asset to be shared with the community at large and hope that those who use it may discover something of the Christian way of life.

We aspire to be a community of welcome, seeking to serve the city seven days a week, and to be a focus for helping some of the most vulnerable people in the city. Together with other like-minded organisations we are seeking to improve the quality of life, both physical and spiritual, of those who live, work and visit our city.  We are in conversation with other local community bodies that, like us, are passionate about community development.

The Church exists to be a living, breathing demonstration of the beloved community; to be a place of acceptance, a place of equal opportunity, a place where diversity is celebrated and where anyone and everyone can be at home in the love of God.

Community Survey Coffee Morning

10th October 2015, 10 – 11:30am

Our church and halls are open next Saturday morning for coffee and biscuits. Come and explore our building, enjoy some refreshments and find out who has won the draw from our Community Survey (Draw prize is tea at Betty’s!)

It would be helpful if you can let us know you’re coming on our Facebook event:

All welcome, feel free to bring a friend! No charge will be made.

It’s not too late to complete the survey if you haven’t already done so.




Our community survey starts now!

The Transforming Central Community Survey is now live. You can contribute to our future by giving us a few moments of your time. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter feeds for events and happenings over the next month.

The Transforming Central Community Survey has five objectives:

  1. Deepen the Churches understanding of the local community
  2. Ensure any potential projects will meet real needs
  3. Create a sense of local ownership and participation
  4. Avoid unnecessary duplication of provision
  5. Give local people a say in the future of their community

Also the research will also help the Church to deliver mission whilst engaging the community through the project. It will also enable the Church to set clear goals for their mission and ministry and gain a credible understanding of the area in terms of needs and opportunities.

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