“Turn up and sing” Stainer Crucifixion


An invitation to all singers for Sunday 20th March!

Circuit Service including

“Turn up and sing” Stainer Crucifixion

Conductor: John Bradbury Organist: Robert Smith

James Brown (tenor) Mark Wharfedale (bass)

Rehearsal 2.30pm

Service 6.30pm, with fairtrade stall and refreshments served beforehand.

Singers please bring a copy of the Novello score if possible as we have only a limited number of copies.

Flyer in PDF format: Stainer Crucifixion 200316 at Central Methodist v2

Performance Notes in PDF format: Stainer Crucifixion Performance Notes


Lent 2016 at Central

Events for Lent in 2016.

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday 10th February, 12:45pm – Service of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes. All welcome to join us for this solemn marking of the start of Lent.

Lent Talks & Lunches

The theme this year will be ‘Inspirational Women’

Wednesday 2nd March – talk will be given by Revd Rowan Williams (Chaplain at York University), looking at St Claire.

Wednesday 9th March – talk will be given by Rev Julia Skitt, title ‘Women in our time’

Wednesday 16th March – talk will be Rev Christopher Humble on Susannah Wesley

Light lunches from 11:45am, talks start at 12:45pm. All welcome for food and talks.

‘Come and Sing’ Stainer’s Crucifixion

Sunday 20th March 6:30pm. Circuit Service including Stainer’s Crucifixion

Details here.


York Residents’ Festival 2016

Our church will be open from 11am until 4pm on Saturday 30th January. This is officially part of the York Residents Festival. The inside of our chapel is usually a wonderful surprise for residents who visit during the festival.

You’ll be very welcome to pop in and have a look around the chapel; some of us will be around to answer any questions you may have.  We hope to have a number of organists playing during the day too, so it’s an opportunity to hear what is generally regarded as one of the best organs in the city.

There’s no need to book in advance and you don’t even have to be a resident.

Details of other unusual locations open to visit for free can be found on Visit York’s website: http://www.visityork.org/residents-festival-attractions.aspx



Advent and Christmas 2015 at Central

Here is a selection of activities during Advent and Christmas at Central. Click here for more details about our Advent course, Making Room.

Tuesday, 24th November12 noonAdvent course, 'Making Room', part 1
Soup at 12, discussion from 12.30
Sunday, 29th November10.30amworship led by Revd Christopher Humble (holy communion)
Sunday, 29th November5.15pmYork Minster Advent processional service
Tuesday, 1st December12 noonAdvent course, 'Making Room', part 2
Soup at 12, discussion from 12.30
Sunday, 6th December10.30amworship led by Revd Christopher Humble (gift service)
Sunday, 6th December4.00pmcircuit Celtic Advent service, Poppleton
Tuesday, 8th December12 noonAdvent course, 'Making Room', part 3
Soup at 12, discussion from 12.30
Tuesday, 8th December7.00pmYMS Family Christmas Concert (£10 on the door; children free)
Sunday, 13th December10.30amworship led by Revd Christopher Humble (holy communion)
Sunday, 13th December5.00pmSecond Sunday Supplement
Tuesday, 15th December12 noonAdvent course, 'Making Room', part 4
Soup at 12, discussion from 12.30
Saturday, 19th DecemberafternoonCarol singing in the city centre, in aid of 'Action for Children'
Sunday, 20th December10.30amworship led by Paul Carter
Sunday, 20th December4.00pmCarol service
Tuesday, 22nd December1.30pm
Refreshments followed by Community Carol Concert
Friday, 25th December10.00amChristmas Day worship led by Revd Christopher Humble
Sunday, 27th December10.30amNo service