World’s biggest coffee morning

Coffee Morning

We’re holding a Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan.


10:30AM – 12:30 on 8 October 2016


Central Methodist Church
St. Saviourgate


What is Coffee Morning?

If you can’t come but would still like to give a donation to Macmillan just text CUPCAKE to 70550 (one text=£5), go to or phone 0845 074 2606.

Texts cost £5 plus network charge. Macmillan will receive 95p of every £1 donated in this way. Obtain bill payers permission first.

Heritage Open Day and Kyra Open Garden

Our church is a Grade 11* listed building built in 1840, one of the few chapels of its period still intact. It has an imposing classical facade incorporating a giant three bay portico of unfluted Ionic columns and pediment. The interior is horse-shoe shaped with a gallery on three sides supported by nine pillars. It has a magnificent organ.

Come and see all this on Saturday 10th September, 10am – 4pm. You can also meet member of the congregations and talk about our plans for the future. The organ will be played during the morning.

During the afternoon, you can also visit our courtyard garden, lovingly maintained by Kyra.

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Scandinavian Choral Festival

Scandinavian Choral Festival – Saturday 21 May 6.30pm at Central

Philip Paul writes: with my Scandinavian connections is always a pleasure to see and hear the Norwegian choirs at Central each May. Each year there seem to be more choirs. This year there will be 7 of them !

They will be joined by the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, who I will also be very pleased to see and hear since they are one of our established ‘resident choirs’, who rehearse on our premises every week.

The concert begins at 6.30pm and admission is free!

More details on this poster.

In addition to the concert, the Norwegian choir “Tønsberg Sangforening” will be singing at our morning service on Sunday 22 May at 10:30.