Holy Week and Easter 2017

Holy week and Easter are a very special time to Christians, so there are a number of special services and events occurring which everyone is welcome to join.

Palm Sunday (9th April): Services at Central at 10:30am (Family all-age worship led by Circuit children & families worker) and 6:30pm (Holy Communion led by our minster).

Holy Week Monday: Lent lunchtime discussion group room 1 at Central

Maundy Thursday: Services around the circuit at various times. eg 2pm New Earswick Chapel or 7.30pm Stillingfleet Chapel.

Good Friday: Services around the circuit at various times, plus Walk of witness with the cross from Parliament St, followed by Ecumenical service at York Minster. (6.45pm & 7:30pm).

Easter Sunday: 9am: Easter breakfast at Central, 10:30am: Worship at Central, including Holy Communion, led by Rev Dr Michael Chester, 6:30pm: Worship led by Vic Paylor.


Lent 2017 at Central

In the word of our minister, “May God bless us this Lent as we engage in journeying with our Lord on his way to the cross and beyond”.

There will be a service of Holy Communion with the imposition of Ashes on Wednesday 1st March at 12:45pm at Central.

We will be studying the booklet “Holiness and Justice” in our Lent groups this year. There will be meetings planned for Monday lunchtimes at 12:30pm at Central starting on March 13th and running for 5 weeks until 10th April. All are welcome to meet and discuss.

Maundy Thursday (April 13th) services at New Earswick (2pm) and Stillingfleet (7pm)

Good Friday (April 14th) services at Heworth (10am) and New Earswick (2pm)

Residents’ festival 2017

Our church will be open from 11am until 4pm on Saturday 28th January. This is officially part of the York Residents’ Festival. The inside of our chapel is usually a wonderful surprise for residents who visit during the festival.

You’ll be very welcome to pop in and have a look around the chapel; some of us will be around to answer any questions you may have.  We hope to have a number of organists playing during the day too, so it’s an opportunity to hear what is generally regarded as one of the best organs in the city.

There’s no need to book in advance and you don’t even have to be a resident.

Details of other unusual locations open to visit for free can be found on Visit York’s website: http://www.visityork.org/residents-festival-attractions.aspx

Advent and Christmas 2016

Advent is the season of preparation for the celebration of Christmas. It’s an important time in the life of our church.

Here is a selection of activities during Advent and Christmas at Central.

Sunday, 4th December10.30amworship led by Stephen Peaker (gift service)
Sunday, 4th December4.00pmcircuit service at Haxby & Wigginton
Sunday, 11th December10.30amworship led by Revd Christopher Humble (holy communion)
Sunday, 11th December6:30pmworship led by Prof Edward Royle
Saturday, 17th December1:30 to 3pmCarol singing in Kings Square in aid of 'Action for Children'
Sunday, 18th December10.30amworship led by John Freeman
Sunday, 18th December4:00pmCarol service
Monday, 19th December12:30pmAdvent group looking at Hymns, Carols & Poems (meets in Carecent room 9)
Thursday 22nd December3:30pmSing Along Community Carol Service:
Sunday, 25th December10.00amChristmas Day worship led by Revd Christopher Humble
Sunday, 1st JanuaryMorning and EveningNo service
Exterior view of Central Methodist Church in winter.

Exterior view of Central Methodist Church in winter.