Advent and Christmas 2019

Advent is the season of preparation for the celebration of Christmas. It’s an important time in the life of our church. Here is a selection of activities during Advent and Christmas at Central.

Sunday 1 December 10am – Bread Church Christmas Special – meets in Carecent room.

Sunday 1 December 10:30am – Worship led by local preacher Dr Stephen Leah. Gift service – if you are able please bring gifts of suitable food items for York Foodbank.

Sunday 1 December 6:30pm – Evening worship led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh including holy communion.

Monday 2 December – 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘The Holy Family’

Sunday 8 December – 10:30am – Morning worship – Leslie Newton will be preaching after participating in the Little Big Sleep Out in the courtyard the night before.

Monday 9 December 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘Creation’

Sunday 15 December 10:30am – worship led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh including holy communion.

Sunday 15 December 3pm – Community carol service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.  Gather from 2.30pm for mince pies and mulled wine (non alcoholic).

Monday 16 December – 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. ‘The Flood and the Ark’

Sunday 22 December – 10:15am – Morning carols at St Columba’s URC 

Monday 23 December 12 noon Oasis open church followed by Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play 1 – 2.15pm. “The Great Family”

Wednesday 25th December 10am – Christmas day service led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.

Sunday 29th December 10:30am – Morning worship led by Local preacher John Freeman


Our banner for Advent
Our banner for advent

Footsteps through Advent with Godly Play

Everyone is invited to join us for our Advent course on Mondays 2, 9, 16 and 23 December from 1-2.15pm. You are welcome to come to any or all of the sessions; they share some common themes but each one is designed to make sense by itself as well.

We’ll be exploring sacred stories with time for listening, wondering, conversation and sharing. There will be a chance to respond to the story with art and craft materials.
Godly Play is suitable for absolutely all ages. Pre-school or home educated children are very welcome to attend with a parent, grandparent or carer.

You can find out more about the Godly Play approach to sharing stories by talking to Hilary or Judith at church, emailing or looking at

The church will be open as usual for ‘Oasis’ from 12 noon to 1pm and you are welcome to bring a packed lunch to eat in that time. Free tea and coffee are available.

You are invited

You are invited to join a very special church.

We are church that meets in a very special building.

We are a church that exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care.

We are a church which is adapting in a changing world.

We are a church that is part of a larger connected community, the Methodist Connexion.

We are church of young and old.

We are a church that takes worship seriously.

We are a church where there is room for doubt and questions.

We are a church that exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice.

We are a church that is yearning to serve it’s community.

We are a church where welcome is important.

We are a church where the welcome is for everyone.

We are a church that exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ.

We are a church with challenges.

We are a church with opportunities.

We are a church that exists to increase awareness of God’s presence and to celebrate God’s love.

Whatever your stage of faith or religious background, you are welcome to come and be part of our life together. We normally meet for worship on Sundays; For peace and quiet on Monday lunchtimes; Tea, cake and chat on Wednesday afternoons and sometimes other things at other times.

In the coming months we’ll be exploring more change in how we manage and use our buildings; and how our church life can be refreshed by that. We’d warmly welcome offers of time, talents and prayers from anyone in our church family and beyond. Please speak to a Minister or Steward.

Our Scaffolding has gone!

We are delighted to celebrate that the scaffolding that has been gracing the front of our church building for the last 7+ months has finally been removed.

Our front entrance ready for use

During November a section of lime mortar cornice fell from within the ceiling of our portico area. No-one was hurt but we clearly needed to get the problem fixed and keep the area out of use. As our building is grade 2* listed, these things take time to get properly approved. In the meantime the church has remained active and open for worship and rooms bookings.

We’re very grateful for all those within the Methodist circuit and beyond who have assisted in getting the work done, and to contractors and subcontractors who worked so efficiently once the necessary consents were in place.

It’s good to be able to use our front doors again, and take up our proper place on St Saviourgate.

Holy Week and Easter at Central

You are welcome to join us for the following services during Holy week:

  • Palm Sunday (14th April) – 10:30am Morning Service led by Hilary Blake (jointly with St Columba’s URC); 6.30pm Evening Holy Communion led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh.
  • Maundy Thursday (18th April) – 7pm evening service led by Central worship leaders.
  • Good Friday (19th April) – 7pm Ecumenical service for Good Friday at Central (this is instead of previous years’ walk of witness and Minster service – all are welcome)
  • Easter Sunday (21st April) – 10:30am – Morning celebration of communion led by Rev Rory Dalgliesh. 6:30pm Evening service Celebration of Easter led by Deacon Judith Stoddart.