New ministerial team at Central

Deacon Judith Stoddart and Revd Rory Dalgliesh

On September 3rd 2017, Deacon Judith Stoddart (along with other new circuit staff) was welcomed to the York circuit at Acomb Methodist church. The annual welcome service marks the start of the Methodist year.

Judith will be serving  a Probationer Deacon at Central and working across the city centre. She was born in Neston, Cheshire but grew up in the North East of England. She worked in the insurance industry for twenty years before
sensing God was calling her to something else. This was
initially as a youth and family worker in a Methodist church, followed by a
surprising, compelling call into Diaconal Ministry.

We also welcome Rory as our new Presbyter Minster. Originally hailing from South Africa, Rory has worked for the last 11 years as Chaplain to the University of York. He’ll also have pastoral charge of Haxby and Wiggington Methodist Church.

In the picture above, Rory and Judith are holding a huge paper bag containing pieces of rock, with ‘Growing in Christ’ running through. We look forward to growing in Christ alongside them.

‘Growing in Christ’ Rock.


Heritage Open Day 2017

Our church will be open from 11am until 4pm on Saturday 9th September. This is officially part of the Heritage Open Days. The inside of our chapel is usually a wonderful surprise for residents who visit during the day.

You’ll be very welcome to pop in and have a look around the chapel; some of us will be around to answer any questions you may have.  You may even have an opportunity to hear what is generally regarded as one of the best organs in the city. There will also be time and space to sit quietly and pray.

There’s no need to book in advance.

All change

After ten years of faithful service in the York circuit, this summer Revd Chris Humble will be leaving Central for County Durham.

Chris’s final service as minister at Central will be held on Sunday 9th July at 6:30pm, at which we’ll be joined by many of Chris’s ecumenical colleagues. Refreshments will be served after the service, and we’d be very pleased if as many people as possible were able to share in this event as we give thanks for Chris’s ministry.

From September (the start of the Methodist year), our minister will be Revd Rory Dalgleish (previously chaplain to the University of York). We’ll also be welcoming Judith Stoddart, who takes up a new role as city centre deacon based at Central.

The changes are exciting for Central, our city, and circuit. We will continue to keep Chris, Rory, Judith and their families in our prayers as they make their transitions.






Summer Organ Concerts 2017

This year, our season of lunchtime organ recitals is slightly delayed due to our roof works. Now the work is complete, we’re looking forward to restarting the concerts! All are welcome to enjoy listening to talented musicians playing our wonderful organ.

Thursday 29 June • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Philip Moore (Organist Emeritus, York Minster) 
Thursday 6 July • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Phillip Sangwine (St Mary’s, Beverley) 
Thursday 20 July • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Philip Luke (Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church) 
Thursday 3 August • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Tim Hone (All Saints’, Pavement, York) 
Thursday 17 August • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Paul Dewhurst (Leeds Minster) 
Thursday 31 August • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Philip Paul (York Central Methodist Church)
Thursday 7 September • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Nicholas Page (Parish of Osbaldwick with Murton)
Thursday 21 September • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Edmund Aldhouse (Ely Cathedral) 
Thursday 5 October • 12:30 to 1:20 • York Central Methodist ChurchYO1 8NQ • Maximillian Elliott (St Olave’s, York) 
admission free / retiring collection



Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is celebrated on the Sunday 50 days after Easter (the name comes from the Greek pentekoste, “fiftieth”).

For the season of Pentecost, we’ve changed the hanging banner and pulpit fall in the chapel.

The following prayer appears in the Methodist Worship Book in the service for the day of Pentecost:

Gracious God,
whose Spirit helps us in our weakness
and guides us in our prayers,
we pray for the Church and for the world
in the name of Jesus Christ.

Renew the life and faith of the Church;
strengthen our witness
and make us one in Christ. 

Grant that we and all who confess that Christ is Lord
may be faithful in your service
and filled with the Spirit,
that the world may be turned to you.

MWB pg 176 (C)1999 Trustees for Methodist Church purposes.