Chapel Anniversary 2017

5th November at Central

On Sunday 5th November Revd Steve Wild (District Chair for Cornwall, ex-President of the Methodist Conference) will be preaching at Central Methodist in York.  Central would like to invite others to join us for worship at both 10.30am and 4pm.

We generally celebrate our ‘anniversary’ on the first Sunday in November, celebrating the years since the union of the Centenary and Wesley congregations and further to the earlier history of Methodism in York.

As the afternoon service is at 4pm it should be finished in good time to allow you to use public transport to get to Central.

Yorkshire Marathon

Something different for Marathon Sunday at Central:
8th October is the day of the Yorkshire Marathon.
Knowing that transport is tricky for many when roads are closed, we’re doing something different. Our church will be open soon after 9am, with Tea, Coffee and biscuits in the vestibule.
At 10:30am in the vestibule there will be a short said service.  This will probably only be 15 minute long. The door will be open and hopefully coffee and conversation flowing until about 12:30pm.
All are most welcome, if you are able to make it at some point during the morning then please drop in, and bring your friends!
(The communion service previously planned for this day, will instead be held on the 15th October, still led by Revd Graham Carter.)

Central Welcomes Students

Just a short note for any new or current students attending York St John University or the University of York this academic year.

Come alone or bring a friend, as a one off or make it a habit. We are very close to the St John Central accommodation, and convenient for buses from the UoY campus. There aren’t currently many students who regularly come to Central Methodist Church, but that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be very welcome.

Most of our worship is traditional in style, and normally happens at 10:30am and 6:30pm every Sunday. We always have refreshments and chat after the service. Keep an eye on @YorkChurch or our Facebook page for regular updates. You can also browse the full preaching plan.

Use comments below if you’d like to get in touch.

Central’s Prayer tree

Central's prayer tree

Deacon Judith Stoddart has introduced a new prayer tree at Central.

If you would like to our church community to pray for you, someone you know, or a particular situation, please write your request on a leaf and hang it on the tree.

The tree will be made available to all who use our buildings (including Carecent, Kyra and others), and the leaves changed and prayed for every week.